Monday, December 21, 2009

escaped in time

finally escaped to my holiday destination.flying over it makes me feel amazing like I'm a ruler of the earth looking down upon the small ant sized commoners.The flight took about 5hrs so I'm tired and my legs have pins and needles but there not at the stage were its hard to move them.We step out of the plane hoping we have all our belongings but I'm shore i forgot something oh well.

Driving in a smelly old taxi wondering if it would crash and if we would ever reach our hotel was in some way fun but of course very scary.When we did get there it took an hour for them to find our room but when they found our room it was beautiful.Hand made furniture,a big TV and really comfortable beds.

splash.bang.woosh.water in my ears anoying but cool the gaint pool is both refreshing and packed to the brim so we went to the quite pool the pregnate ladies didnt like that much considering the fact that were jumping into the pool.oh well.

Tuesday, December 1, 2009

Really really cute videos

all of these are really really cute

I think these are really cool and cute